About the Scholarship Foundation

A Brief History of the Third Infantry Division Scholarship Foundation

The Scholarship Foundation owes deep and everlasting gratitude to Joe and Lynn Ball. It was their original vision to form the Foundation in 2004 and their subsequent drive that built the Foundation into a sound and thriving institution over the next eighteen years. During the Balls’ tenure, the Foundation awarded nearly 120 individual scholarships to deserving recipients. Sadly, for health reasons, both Joe and Lynn stepped down from the Foundation’s leadership and trustee positions in early 2022. Around the same time, two board members passed away unexpectedly. Because of this, the remaining board members were forced to forgo the offering of 2022 scholarships and concentrate on replenishing and reorganizing the Board. As of August, 2022, the Foundation is back on track and expects to resume all activities for 2023.

The Scholarship Foundation is a volunteer organization. Our Board of Trustee officers provide any and all services to the Foundation free of charge. No officer has an expense account. As volunteers, we work to build and maintain a sound Foundation that will continue in perpetuity. All donated funds not needed in the awarding of scholarship grants earn interest. Our goal is to position the Foundation to operate solely off the interest earned from investments.

The current Board of Trustee officers include:

 Name Position
Steve Birch Chairperson
John Weis Treasurer (Interim)
 Jim Reeves Trustee
Buford Blount Trustee
Heather Wells-Sawyer Trustee
 Current Staff Members Tony Knight (Webmaster)