Constitution & Bylaws

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As Approved by the Executive Committee and Adopted by the Society Membership at the 96th National Reunion.

Charleston, South Carolina

(Revised February 4, 2016)

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 Society Articles  Society By-Laws
Article I: Designation  Section I: Reunions 
Article II: Objectives  Section II: Annual Reunion-Convention 
Article III: Membership  Section III: Goverance Between Annual Meetings
Article IV: Dues Section IV: Duties of Officers
Article V: Management Section V: Standing Committees
Article VI: Publications Section VI: Vacancies
Article VII: By-Laws Section VII: Outposts
Article VIII: Admendments  Section VIII: Dues
  Section IX: Membership Supplies
  Section X: Memorial Services
  Section XI: Admendments to By-Laws



Society Articles 


The name of the association is the SOCIETY OF THE THIRD INFANTRY DIVISION UNITED STATES ARMY. Incorporated in the State of Illinois, it is a Non-Profit, fraternal, social, educational, patriotic, military service organization, which shall always remain non-partisan and non-political. The Society shall exist permanently as a national parent organization with subordinate branches known as Outposts.



The Society provides opportunities and facilitates uniting past, present, and future members of the Third Infantry Division, U. S. Army, in a national program dedicated to the preservation and maintenance of the Third Infantry Division's traditions and history. Specific objectives are:

2.1 To foster and strengthen associations and friendships formed during service with the Third Infantry Division, U. S. Army.

2.2 To honor the Third Infantry Division War Dead.

2.3 To perpetuate the memory of other former comrades who shared a background of honorable military service with the Third Infantry Division, U. S. Army.

2.4 To encourage and achieve the mutual benefits and support resulting from a close and cooperative alliance between the Society and the Third Infantry Division, U.S. Army.

2.5 To support the Government of the United States and to give it, in peace and in war, the same devotion and service expected of us as members of its armed forces.


3.1 Membership is open to any eligible person excluding those with a dishonorable discharge.

3.2 Members will comply with the constitution and bylaws.

3.3 The Types of membership are: Life and Annual.

3.4 The classes of Membership are: Regular, Associate, and Honorary.

3.5 Eligibility for Regular Membership: Former and current soldiers with honorable service in regular components, and supporting or attached units of the Third Infantry Division.

3.6 Eligibility for Associate Membership: Family of anyone eligible for regular membership, and anyone with a special interest in, or affinity for, the Society.

3.6a Associate Members have voting rights and recognition.

3.6b Associate Members may be nominated and serve, if elected, in all Society National offices, except in the office of Society president.

3.7 Eligibility for Honorary Membership: Granted by the Executive Committee.

3.7aThe current Commanding General of the active division is Honorary President.

3.7bThe current Command Sergeant Major is Honorary Vice President.

3.8 Regular and Associate members will pay dues.

3.9 Members are entitled to join the outpost of their choice or remain as At- Large Members.

3.9a. Members may be transferred to any outpost of their choice by making a request to the National Secretary or their outpost secretary. Outposts may not recruit a member known to be a member of another outpost.


4.1 Annual membership dues are payable each year prior to July 1.

4.2 Life membership dues are payable at any time.


5. 1 Government: The membership is the governing body of the Society. Annually it elects national officers to represent the membership and carry out the day-to-day operations of the Society. All decisions of the Executive Committee take effect immediately and remain in effect until approved, amended, or rejected by the membership.

5.1a. All members in good standing have one vote in these elections expressed by written ballot published in The Watch, or provided by the elections Chair in the event the Watch ballot is lost or destroyed.

5.1b. The fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.

5.1c. Executive Committee decisions that require a change to the Constitution or By-laws will be effective at once and will be sent to the constitution and By-laws Chair to be included on the next available ballot for membership approval.

5.2 Elective Officers: Elective officers of the Society are President, Secretary-Treasurer and one Regional Vice President and two Regional Committee Persons from each of the three (3) Regions. All members in good standing are eligible to run for an elective National office, except the office of President. Only regular members may serve as Society president. Members residing in a region will nominate and vote for regional officers only within the region as determined by the location of their Outpost affiliation. At Large Members will vote according to their state of residence.

5.2a.1 Term of Office: The term of office for all elected officials shall be for two years, or until their successors have been duly elected or appointed. The President shall be limited to two (2) two (2) year terms and may be elected again after being out of office for a minimum of two (2 years).

5.2a.2 Elections: Elections will be held for the six regional Committeepersons and the Secretary/Treasurer in the odd numbered years. Election will be held for the President and the Regional Vice Presidents in even numbered years.

5.2a.3 Regions: For purposes of administration, the United States is considered as three Regions: East, West, and Central. The Eastern Region includes New England, all states on the Atlantic Seaboard, the District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Puerto Rico and Europe. The Western Region consists of those states west of the eastern boundaries of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. The Central Region encompasses those states lying between the Eastern and Western Regions.

5.2b. Appointed Officers: Appointed Officers by the President are: Editor of The Watch on the Rhine, Judge Advocate, Historian, Chaplain, Auditor, Active Duty Liaison, Medical Officer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Quartermaster, and Webmaster/Database Manager.

5.2b.1 Special assistants may be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the elected national officers.

5.3 Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall consist of all current elected national officers, and the Judge Advocate.

5.3a. The Judge Advocate will not have a vote in Executive Committee business.

5.3b. Majority vote of the ballots cast determines the outcome of Executive Committee Actions.

5. 3c. Voting by mail or electronic communication is authorized.

5.3.d. A quorum of six members is required to conduct business.

5.3e If a member of the Executive Committee cannot attend the Executive Committee meeting at the National Reunion, he/she may designate a proxy to cast votes in his/her behalf. The proxy must be a member of the Executive Committee and from the same region as the absent member. Proxies will not count to make a quorum.


6.1 The Watch on the Rhine, published bi-monthly and distributed to members in good standing, is the official publication of The Society of the Third Infantry Division. This publication will be directed by the Editor who shall be responsible to see that said publication conforms to and carries out the purpose and spirit of the constitution.

6.2 National Roster, only for membership use, is published every three years and distributed to members in good standing. This publication will be maintained by the roster manager and will include each member’s name, address, unit, rank, and period of service. The Society Secretary-Treasurer will send each new member a copy of the National Roster.


7.1 The Society members shall have the final authority to approve, modify or reject amendments to by-laws that are not in conflict with the requirements of this Constitution. Voting using the ballot printed in The Watch on the Rhine at least 60 days before the annual reunion will determine the decisions. Lost or destroyed ballots may be replaced by the Constitution and By-laws Chair.

7.2 The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order, current edition, revised, shall govern the Society in all cases which are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent or conflicting with the Constitution or By-Laws of this Society.


8.0 This Constitution may be amended, altered, or repealed, by two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the members of the Society casting their vote by written ballot on amendments published in The Watch on the Rhine.

8.1 The Constitution and By-laws may be reviewed and requests for proposals for change may be announced to the membership annually.





1.1 An Annual Reunion of the Society is provided to maintain the fellowship and camaraderie among the membership and shall be held each year at a place and date determined and announced at the immediately prior Annual Reunion.

1.2 Annual Reunions shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee.

1.3 Each annual reunion will have a banquet and a memorial service. Tours and unit gatherings may be included.

1.4 The Executive Committee will hold one meeting at the reunion, after the annual membership meeting. Additional Executive Committee meetings may be called at the discretion of the president.

1.5 One General Membership Meeting for all members in attendance will be held during the reunion. No quorum is required.

1.6 Society reunions will be held on a rotating schedule according to regions. Each region will host one reunion on a three-year rotating schedule.


2.1 Business Meetings: Membership meetings may be scheduled during the annual reunion to provide members the opportunity to offer their opinions in Society governing. The notice of time and place must be announced in The Watch on the Rhine at least ninety (90) days prior to the scheduled first day of the Annual Reunion.

2.2 Vote Reporting. Committee Chairs will report results of members’ votes for the election of national officers and amendments to the Constitution and By-laws. The Secretary/Treasurer will report Executive Committee actions. National staff officers will report their annual activities at the membership meeting.

2.3 Voting. All voting for officers and Constitution and By-Law changes are conducted by mailed ballots. Voting at the membership meeting may be taken to determine the opinions and recommendations of members on issues to advise the Executive Committee.

2.4 Only mail-in ballots may be used for the election of national officers and amending the Constitution and By-laws. All members may use ballots. The Constitutional and By-laws Chairperson and Nominations and Election Chairperson will have the official ballots published in The Watch in the Rhine at least 60 days before the annual reunion and thirty days before any special meeting. Members using a ballot must legibly print their name, then sign and date the ballot attesting they are a member in good standing, and mail the completed ballot to the appropriate chairperson. That chair will verify membership, count votes and prepare reports for the meeting. Only ballots published in The Watch on the Rhine will be valid and may not be reproduced in any form except by the Chair who can upon request of the member, copy the ballot, certify the copied ballot as an official ballot, and mail it to the person making the request. The request for copied ballots must be justified, such as lost Watch, destroyed issue of The Watch or other situations necessitating the use of a copied ballot, which will be determined by the appropriate Chair. Ballots should be destroyed 90 days after publication of the results in The Watch on the Rhine.


3.1 Legislative Authority: Between Annual Reunions, legislative authority for the Society is vested in the Executive Committee. Its decisions have immediate effect and remain in force until ratified, modified or repealed at the next Annual Reunion. The Secretary will inform the Society members of actions taken by the Executive Committee during the year. This information will be published in The Watch on the Rhine at least a month prior to the annual reunion.

3.2 Society’s Management. The Executive Committee, collectively and individually, is charged with formulation and guidance of the Society’s management program; confident that it will operate with the best interest of the Society, no restraints are placed against the Executive Committee's freedom of judgment and action.

3.3 It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee further to fix the amount of the Secretary-Treasurer’s Surety bond, to assist in the selection and final confirmation of the President’s designation of the Editor of The Watch on the Rhine and to perform such other duties as may be assigned by the President. Budgeting is a function of the Executive Committee, and the Executive Committee will discuss the preliminary budget prepared by the Secretary-Treasurer, and will adopt a budget prior to the fiscal year.

3.4 National Elected Officers, Committee Chairs, and National Staff unable to attend the Annual Reunion will submit a written report to the National President three (3) weeks before the start of the Annual Reunion outlining their activities during the fiscal year. The president will present these reports at the General Membership Meeting.

3.5 Written complaints and/or charges against a Society member shall be referred to the Chairman of the Executive Committee for prompt consideration of the full Executive Committee. If the Society President is the object of the charges, the National Secretary-Treasurer will serve as the Executive Committee Chair. At the same time, a copy of the complaint and/or charges shall be sent to the Society member so charged, along with the name of the complainant. After a fair and impartial study, it shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to take whatever action is deemed necessary and warranted. The Decision of the Executive Committee shall be by a simple majority vote of the ballots cast with a quorum of six. This may include expulsion from the Society. The Membership of the member charged shall remain active during the review and appeal process, except in cases of fraud or theft. In cases of fraud or theft, the membership is suspended pending a final decision. Written notice of remedial action must be given to the member who may, within thirty (30) days, protest to the Committee in writing. If the protest is denied, the Committee decision will be subject to approval by the General Membership at the Annual Meeting, if the member requests this in writing to the National Secretary-Treasurer. The decision of the General Membership shall be by simple majority. Also, the Committee may "Remove for Cause" any officer of the Society who shall have failed to perform his Official duties as stated in these By-Laws or shall have abused the privilege of his office in a manner which the Committee deems to be detrimental to the Society. All “Remove for cause” actions shall be sent to the Executive Committee Chair with a copy to the officer being accused. “Remove for Cause” actions against the Society President shall be sent to the Secretary who will chair the removal procedure. The accused will not participate in discussions or voting on removal actions. Decisions on “Removal for Cause” must be by a 2/3 majority of the ballots cast with a quorum of six. The membership of the member charged shall remain active during the review and appeal process, except in cases of fraud or theft. In cases of fraud or theft, the membership is suspended pending final disposition.

3.6: Any Society Member who is expelled from the Society for any reason shall be eligible to request consideration for membership after a period of three years from the date of expulsion. The former member will apply as a new member through the chair of the Executive Committee. If the Chair approves, the request will be submitted to the Executive Committee for review and decision. Approval will be a majority of the ballots cast with a quorum of six. If the vote results in a tie, the request is denied. If the membership is approved, the member must serve an additional probationary period of two years before being consider for an Elective Office, Staff Position, or Committee Chair. The National Secretary/Treasurer will maintain the records.

3.7: Any elected officer, who has been “removed for cause” will be prohibited from ever serving as an Elected Officer of the Society for his/her lifetime. Any elected Officer of the Society who is expelled from the Society may not ever be considered for membership.


4.1 President: The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the Society. He has the leadership role in proposing, formulating and guiding the membership actions and implements their decisions. Duties include chairing meetings of the Society and presiding at the annual Reunion. He represents the membership in official contacts with other organizations. He may appoint assistants and special staff members. Regular members will be selected whenever possible.

4.2 Regional Vice Presidents: Regional Vice Presidents, will supervise their regional committeemen and outpost operations within their regions, assign individual committeemen to interface with a specific outpost(s), and they shall submit a written report of their annual activities to the Regional Vice President three (3) weeks prior to the Annual Reunion.

4.3 Committeeman: Regional Committeemen are elected from their Regions to represent all society members and are members of the Executive Committee. They will be assigned to supervise the outposts in their region. They shall submit a written report of their annual activities to the Regional Vice President There (3) weeks prior to the Annual Reunion.

4.4 Secretary/Treasurer announces meetings, maintains records, conducts correspondence, makes reports, controls and supplies society property, has custody of all society funds, maintains checking and savings accounts and current financial records which must be a true and verifiable history of society assets and liabilities, expressed as dollar balances, receipts and expenditures.

4.4a. He/she shall chair and appoint a committee each three-year period to research and evaluate the performance of the current publisher of The Watch on the Rhine and other printed publications. The committee shall not be restricted in size but cannot be composed of a majority of members from the Executive Committee. The Watch on the Rhine editor shall serve as counsel to this committee. Meetings by mail, phone, or email are authorized. Committee actions, with recommendations, shall be forwarded to the Society president for a final decision. If performance of our current publisher is deemed unsatisfactory, the President shall direct that the committee secure bids from competing publishers pending final action. 

4.5 Editor, The Watch on the Rhine: The editor of The Watch on the Rhine, under the supervision of the President, shall have the Watch published on an established bi-monthly schedule and shall establish deadlines, solicit submission of news from outposts and members, collate items and material, and direct the preparation of the newsletter.

4.6 Active Duty Liaison: Shall represent the president at the Third Infantry Division units in the event the Society President cannot attend.

4.7 Chaplain: The Chaplain or a qualified assistant shall direct religious observances of the Society, including the Memorial Services at the annual reunion, and shall represent the Society at Military Religious ceremonies.

4.8 Judge Advocate: The Judge Advocate shall act as parliamentarian at meetings and shall provide opinions on legal and parliamentarian matters referred to him by the national officers and the membership.

4.9 Historian: The Historian shall record the activities of the society and its members from reports furnished by outposts and news media and shall render an annual report. If unable to attend the meeting, the historian will send a written report to the president three (3) weeks before the start of the reunion.

4.10 Sergeant-At-Arms: The Sergeant-At-Arms shall be responsible for discipline at meetings and perform other duties requested by the Chair.

4.11. Auditor: The Auditor is appointed by the President and should be experienced in financial accounting. The Auditor completes the annual audit and determines that all funds on hand, received, and disbursed are properly accounted for. Special audits may be requested by the Executive Committee.

4.12 Medical Officer: The Medical Officer is appointed by the President. The office can advise on medical and health concerns of the Society. We are reminded of the important role played by the medical service soldiers in time of battle.

4.13 Quartermaster: The quartermaster is appointed by the President with Executive Committee approval. The Quartermaster will select and maintain an assortment of items for sale identified with the 3rd Infantry Division and attached units.

4.14 DBA/Roster Manager: The Database/Roster Manager is appointed by the President with approval of the Executive Committee. This position is responsible for maintaining an accurate database of Society members, assisting elected and appointed officers when requested, and providing Roster reports.

4.15 Webmaster: The Webmaster is appointed by the President. The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining an accurate, informative, and visually appealing website that showcases the Society of the 3rd Infantry Division. 


5.1 The President with the approval of the Executive Committee shall designate the Chairs. The Committee Chairs’ appointments end at the same time as the term of the president who appointed them. Each Committee will present a report on its activities at the General Membership Meeting. If unable to attend the meeting, the chair(s) will send a written report to the president three (3) weeks before the start of the reunion. The president will convey this report(s) to the membership.

5.2 Constitution and By-Laws: The Constitution and By- Laws Committee is not restricted in size, but a majority of the members shall not be members of the Executive Committee. The committee will submit a ballot of proposed changes to be published in The Watch on the Rhine at least 60 days before the Annual Reunion.

5.3 Nominations and Elections:

5.3a. The Nominations and Elections Committee shall call for nominations of elected national officers in The Watch on the Rhine at least 180 days before the Annual Reunion. Nominations will be accepted for a period of at least 60 days.

5.3b. The Committee will submit a ballot for publication in The Watch on the Rhine at least 60 days before the Annual Reunion. If there is only one nominee for an office, no ballot will be published for member vote.

5.3c. The Chairman will announce the results at the annual meeting.

5.3d. In the event no nominations are made for an office, nominations may be made from the floor and voting may be held at the General Membership Meeting.

5.4 Awards: The Awards Committee consists of the Chair and the three Regional Vice Presidents. The Chair is not a voting member of the Committee.

5.4a. The Chair shall call for nominations of awards in The Watch on Rhine at least 60 days before the Annual Reunion.

5.4b. The Awards Committee and the Executive Committee shall select award recipients in accordance with the Awards Protocol. The Awards Committee shall select the recipients of the Society Service Award and Outstanding Associate Member Award. The Executive Committee shall select the recipient of the Audie Murphy Achievement Award.

5.5 Membership: The Membership Committee manages a program for recruiting new members and retaining members. The Chair will work with the Executive Committee, Public Relations Committee, Outposts, and reunion hosts in preparing news releases pertaining to Society meetings and activities.

5.6 Public Relations: The Public Relations Chair will inform Army veterans, active duty members and the public about the Society and its purposes and activities. The Chair shall have authority to work with other military groups and, at his/her discretion, develop and place reciprocal notices in publications of interest to veterans and our military. Reciprocal ads, when negotiated, shall be referred to the Society President for final approval before publication.

5.7. Reunion: the president, with the approval of the Executive Committee, will appoint a chairman and the chairman will select members to serve on the reunion committee. This committee will be responsible for the annual society reunion and may work with a professional reunion planner approved by the Executive Committee. Annual reunions will be held on a rotating schedule. A reunion will be scheduled in each region on a rotating three-year basis.  The Reunion Committee or the professional planner will make a short presentation to the Executive committee at the reunion with recommendations. The Executive Committee chooses the reunion city. Locations will be chosen two years in advance. Each region will host a reunion once each three-year period. Extenuating circumstances may cause the Executive Committee to alter the schedule. If a region is scheduled and is by-passed, that region will have the right of first refusal the following year.


6.1 Vacancies in any national office other than President will be filled by Presidential appointment with approval of the Executive Committee.

6.2 Vacancies: In the event the Society President cannot continue to serve in office for any reason, the National Secretary/Treasurer will contact the Vice President residing in the region of the departing President. If that Vice President is able and willing to take over the Presidency, he/she will serve until the end of the term of the departing President. The succeeding Vice President may accept a nomination to run for a full term following his appointed term. If the Vice President of the region of the outgoing President cannot serve as President, the Secretary/Treasurer will contact the next senior Vice President and, if necessary, the last Vice President. In the event none of the three Vice Presidents is able to serve, the Executive Committee will select a Past President to assume the position.

6.3 Officers filling vacancies will hold the office for the remaining term of that office and may be nominated to serve a full term.


7.1 An outpost may be formed and a Charter issued by National Headquarters upon receipt of an application from ten (l0) or more members in good standing in the area where the outpost is to be located. All outposts will adhere to and follow the governing rules of the Society.

7.1a. Outposts will have a minimum of two officers (a President and a Secretary).

7.1b. Outposts should hold at least two meetings each year.

7.1c. Outposts should send a minimum of two letters to their outpost members each year.

7.2 Outposts with fewer than ten (10) members will be deactivated.

7.2a. Those remaining members will notify the Outpost Secretary/Treasurer AND the Database Manager if they want to be transferred into any outpost of their choice or stay At Large

7.2b. Outpost funds and supplies will be transferred to the National Secretary who, with the approval of the Executive Committee, will determine the use of the funds.

7.3 The Marne Division Association, as long as it continues to have ten or more members in active service with the Third Infantry Division, shall be considered the Society's Active Division Outpost.


Allocation: Dues Allocation. Eighty percent (80%) of annual and life dues of members assigned to outposts is allocated to national and twenty percent (20%) is allocated to the outpost to which they are assigned. Dues money for At Large members is allocated to national.

8.1 Annual dues are payable prior to July 1st.

8.1a. Outposts may add an operational fee that they retain.

8.1b. New and reinstated members who pay dues between January 1 and June 30 will be in good standing until July 1 of the following year.

8.1c. Announcements will appear in the August issue of The Watch on the Rhine stating it will be the last issue for those whose dues are not received by June 30.

8.1d. Members whose dues are not paid by July will be removed from the Society active Watch mailing list for the October issue. Only members in good standing may receive the Watch.

8.1e. Members whose dues are not paid by October 1 are removed from the Society Roster.

8.2 Life Dues are payable at any time.


9.1 The Society furnishes membership cards. Decals, bumper stickers, and other promotional materials are available for sale from the Public Relations Chair. The National Secretary-Treasurer issues membership cards for annual members whenever a new member joins the Society. The National Secretary-Treasurer issues life membership cards.


10.1 A Memorial Service honoring the Third Division war dead and other deceased comrades will be conducted during the Annual Reunion/Convention.

10.1a. Outpost 7, Washington, D. C., represents the Society in Wreath-laying ceremonies at The Tomb of the Unknowns, and the Third Infantry Division Monument, Arlington National Cemetery, each Memorial Day and Veterans Day. The Society reimburses Outpost 7 for the cost of these wreaths.


11.1 The Constitution and/or By-laws may be amended, repealed or changed by the membership by affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the ballots cast on the official mail-in ballot published in the Watch on the Rhine.

11.2 All proposals for Constitution and By-law changes submitted by members of the Society through Outpost or Executive Committee route or by the initiative of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee Chair will be sent to the Chair of the of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee with copies to the National Secretary. Once the Constitution and By Laws Committee considers the proposed changes and approves what should be presented to the membership, the draft of the proposed amendments will be sent to the Executive Committee for their consideration, approval or modification. This final document must be accepted by a majority vote of the quorum present before publication in The Watch on the Rhine. Proposals approved by the General Membership shall be published in The Watch on the Rhine as soon as possible after passage, but not later than the December issue.

Society of the Third Infantry Division/C&BL June 2014